Women In Engineering

WIE Special Event: A Bold Recruitment Program – Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition Claire-Deschênes
June 17, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Chair: Audrey Corbeil Therrien, Université de Sherbrooke

Photo : UdeS – Michel Caron
Four recipients of the Claire Deschênes scholarship (Carolina Ardila Suarez, Nooshin Karami, Hélène Proulx and Afaf Taïk ) surround Pre Claire Deschênes, Associate Dean Nathalie Roy stands to the right and Audrey-Anne Blanchet, EDI coordinator, stands in the back.

We are delighted to invite you to the IEEE NEWCAS Women in Engineering Event, which is scheduled on Monday at 3:30 p.m. at the Delta Hotel Sherbrooke Conference Centre. This event will feature a panel of several recipients of the Claire-Deschênes fellowships, which will discuss how the program impacted their careers and the academic community in Sherbrooke.

The last several years have seen increasing awareness and effort to improve representation at all career levels. However, many institutions still struggle with applying equity, diversity and inclusion strategies and several fields still demonstrate large diversity gaps.

The Faculty of Engineering of the Université de Sherbrooke put in place a bold recruitment program, the Grand concours de bourses postdoctorales Claire-Deschênes. This competition aims to encourage postdoctoral training and academic careers for women. In addition to a postdoctoral fellowship, the women also obtain an assistant professor position in the Faculty of Engineering. Since its creation, this program has recruited 10 women from all over the world, 6 of which now hold professor positions, and 3 more fellowships are currently open.

The Faculty of Engineering’s associate dean for academic programs and equity diversity and inclusion, Nathalie Roy, will join five recipients of this fellowship in a panel to discuss the challenges and benefits of this program and how it impacts the career path of women and the academic community welcoming them.

Chaired by Audrey Corbeil Therrien
Université de Sherbrooke

Audrey Corbeil Therrien is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke in the province of Québec, Canada.  She currently holds the Tier-2 Canada Research Chair in real-time embedded intelligence for ultra-high rate detectors. She has worked at CERN (2015) in Geneva, Switzerland and at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory where she held a Banting Fellowship (2018-2020). Her research aims to improve real-time analyses at the edge with the integration of machine learning in high performance radiation instrumentation systems. She is part of several conference committees, and she is co-chair for the 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. She has been strongly involved with the promotion of technical and scientific careers for diverse groups with Université de Sherbrooke, SLAC, Stanford University, local non-profits and at several conferences. She received several awards, including the 2017 IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant and the 2019 Best Thesis Award in Science and Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Audrey Corbeil Therrien est professeure adjointe au département de génie électrique et génie informatique de l’Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada). Elle détient la chaire de recherche du Canada niveau 2 — sur l’intelligence temps réel embarquée pour détecteurs à débit ultrarapide. Elle a travaillé au CERN (Genève, Suisse — 2015) et au SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory ou elle détenait une Bourse Banting (Menlo Park, Californie, États-Unis — 2018-2020). Elle développe des systèmes d’acquisition temps réel exploitant l’intelligence artificielle à la périphérie du système pour des détecteurs haute performance générant des débits de données ultrarapides. Professeure Corbeil Therrien fait partie de plusieurs comités de conférence et est co-chair de l’IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 2023. Elle est fortement impliquée pour la promotion de carrières techniques et scientifiques pour les minorités en collaboration l’Université de Sherbrooke, SLAC, Stanford University, des associations locales et à plusieurs conférences. Elle est récipiendaire de plusieurs prix, incluant l’IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant en 2017 et le prix de la meilleure thèse en sciences et génie de l’Université de Sherbrooke en 2019.