Social activities

Tuesday June 18th

The afternoon of June 18 will be totally dedicated to a guided tour followed by the conference gala dinner. Two options will be offered to the participants:

  • a guided Exploration tour of the magnificent Sherbrooke region,
  • a guided Technology tour.

The exploration tour will take you to some of Sherbrooke’s most enchanting sites (City of Sherbrooke, tea in Lennoxville and breathtaking views).

the technology tour will make successive stops at the Interdisciplinairy Institute for Technological Innovation – 3IT and the MiQRO Innovation Collaborative Center in Bromont, two of Canada’s leading microelectronics institutions. Both tours end with a 3h30 cruise on magnificent Lake Memphremagog aboard “Le grand cru”.

Schedule for the Technology Tour

11:30 am : Departure by bus from the Delta Hotel
12:00 noon : Arrival at 3IT for lunch and visit
02:00 pm: Departure for C2MI
03:00 pm: Arrival at C2MI
05:00 pm: Departure from C2MI for the Banquet at “Le grand Cru” Boat tour

Schedule for the banquet evening

06:00 pm: Arrival at the quay for boarding ticket disttribution
06:30 pm: Boarding aboard “Le grand Cru”
07:00 pm: Casing off, “On largue les amarres”! NO DELAY POSSIBLE, WE WILL NOT WAIT FOR LATE PARTICIPANT (or we will make them walk the planck)

“Le Grand Cru” boat Tour

The MiQRO center

The 3IT Institute