Sponsorship opportunities
Prospective sponsors will find that NEWCAS2022 offers many opportunities to make their involvment in the conference organization known to all the participants from around the globe.
Please take a look at the sponsorship guide to select the package that best suits your sponsoring needs.
You may wish to enjoy the use of a space in our exhibition area, a free conference registration, your logo on printed conference materials and around the conference site (see the details in the list below) and give your company visibility to a large number of experts from around the world, as well as to representatives from the circuits and systems industry. However these plans are not restrictive and we are open to devise one that would meet your specific needs and contribution.
The members of the Organizing Committee of IEEE-NEWCAS2022 thank you in advance for your consideration of this proposal and look forward to your participation as a sponsor.
For any additionnal information don’t hesitate to contact us at the IEEE-NEWCAS2022 secretariat at:
1-514-340-4711 ext. 5225